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Thursday, March 10, 2011

My First Ebook is Published

Everybody's doing it, so why not me? A few weeks ago I decided that come hell or high water I WOULD put up at least one ebook. I researched on blogs and forums. I asked questions. I watched video tutorials. I wrote.
My awesome writing partners helped with the edits (sadly I forgot to run the cover by them, and managed to mess it up). But I got it online and it's now in the store at Amazon in both the United States and the United Kingdom. It's entitled Beyond the Bed: Ways to Help Others When You Are on Bed Rest.

Now I have a lot of people telling me they want to read my book but don't have a Kindle. No worries! You don't need one. The Kindle program works on Macs, PCs, and numerous other devices. Simply download it from the Amazon site.
The experience taught me a lot, and I am looking forward to trying different ebook companies to see what happens to sales. It's a good start though, and I know at least one sale is from a non-relative :-)
Feel free to share your own e-publishing experiences. And extra bonus points go to those who see the error(s) on my cover. I will fix it in a few weeks, but don't want it disabled as I work on the fix since it's freshly publicized. I'm gonna turn my shame into a game...

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